In the heart of a Mescalero valley, the tale of Chihuahuas and I unfolded, drawing upon ancient traditions and the bond between man and dog. Our shared history of Native American beginnings brought fourth a legacy between the Chihuahua and I. These tiny, spirited creatures, with their big personalities, became my steadfast companions, weaving their way into my daily adventures. Each Chihuahua I grew up with possessed a unique spirit, reflecting the legacy of their ancestors who were revered as sacred protectors. Together, we explored sunlit streets, shared laughter in the local mercado, and curled up under starry skies, where the elders would recount stories of courage and loyalty. As we traversed the landscape of my childhood, I realized that these little dogs were more than pets; they were family, each one leaving paw prints on my heart and imbuing my life with joy and excitement.

Glimpse into a shared history

Myself as a child
First Coming of age Tattoo